Wiscovery Grazing

Goodbye Lawn Mowers. Hello Sheep!

With their amazing grazing and foraging abilities, sheep offer an efficient and environmentally-friendly solution for effective land management. At Wiscovery Farm, we specialize in custom grazing services for solar, residential and conservation projects in Southwestern Wisconsin.

Solar Grazing

Wiscovery Farm is proud to be the first solar grazer in Dane County.

Our flock currently provides grazing services for Tyto, Madison Gas & Electric’s newest solar project, a 31-acre facility in Fitchburg.

Sheep grazing on solar sites is a form of “agrivoltaics”, using land for agriculture and energy production at the same time. As sheep graze under the solar panels, they gently clear away vegetation that could obstruct the panels, leaving the site tidy and running smoothly. In return, the panels make a perfect home for the sheep, providing shelter and shade.

While cows are too big, and goats and pigs too prone to mischief, sheep are calm, peaceful and the perfect size to graze neatly around solar panels, where machinery cannot reach.

Custom & Residential Grazing

Is your property in desperate need of a clean up?

Our friendly flock excels at removing vegetation across all sorts of environments. From clearing thick forests to unruly backyard weeds, our sheep can mow troublesome areas quickly and quietly. They’re especially skilled at nibbling down the hard-to-reach spots that machines can’t access due to size or terrain.

How Does it Work?

Because every property has its unique goals and challenges, we begin every project by conducting a site visit and consultation with our clients. From there, we develop a custom grazing plan, timeline, contract and pricing that both parties agree on.

Once a signed contract is in place, Wiscovery Grazing takes care of the rest! From putting up temporary fencing to providing sheep their daily water and minerals, we keep a close eye to make sure our wooly workers are delivering their best. At the end of the project, we remove the sheep, supplies and fencing, leaving you with a naturally-manicured property.

Let’s work together.

Curious about how grazing could work for your land or project? Fill out your info below and we’ll get in touch shortly. We can't wait to hear from you!